19 jun 2010

My Review: Toy Story 3 (9/10)

¨Let's go see how much we're going for on eBay.¨

It has been 15 years since the first Toy Story came out and changed the way we viewed animated cartoons forever. It was the beginning of a lasting legacy from Pixar studios and it seems that everything that they touch turns into gold. It was one of those movies that you remember exactly where you were watching it and with who because it was so memorable. There are very few movies I can say this about (even Toy Story 2 which was good didn`t have the same effect since I can`t even recall when I watched it for the first time), so you can imagine how excited I was to hear that a third installment of the franchise was coming out. I had very high expectations for Toy Story 3 and I wasn`t disappointed one bit. It is as good as the first one and the magic is still there. Toy Story 3 has several laugh out loud moments which just want to make you applaud, it also has a lot of heart and some people left the theater with tears in their eyes, so it combines everything very nicely for kids and adults to enjoy alike as pretty much every Pixar movie does. This is perhaps one of the best films I´ve seen this year, it was just a very fun experience at the movies and it brought a lot of memories. Director Lee Unkrich had previously worked as the editor of the first movie and co-director of the second one, but now he proved he can be a solo director as well. The crew did an amazing job of keeping the magic alive and mixing new characters with the old ones. The dialogue was also great; nothing was missing in this movie.

The opening scene of the movie is great and imaginative as we see the toys through Andy`s eyes while he is playing with them. But time has passed now, Woody and Buzz Lightyear are back along with the rest of the toys (even the soldiers) and are working on a plan to try to get Andy to play with them again, but he is all grown up now. Andy is going to college so he is packing everything in his room and the toys are nervous about what is going to happen to them. Somehow the toys are misplaced and are sent to a daycare where we are introduced to a new world and new characters. At first the toys seem to be excited that finally they are going to be played with and cared for, but they soon discover that the little kids are a nightmare. They try to escape from the daycare, but it is being controlled by a pink teddy bear named Lotso who runs the place like if it were a prison. Andy`s toys make a plan to try to escape the daycare/prison and return to the attic where they were supposedly going to be placed. Toy Story meets The Great Escape and the result is hilarious. There are also several touching moments in the movie, which is perfectly balanced.

Toy Story 3 is definitely worth your time and it is not even necessary to go with children. It is a film adults will enjoy because it has a great script and a good story. The characters are reinvented as well; it is not just more of the same as most any other sequels are, this film actually has more heart and remains fresh. This is one of the best films of the year so far and Pixar seems to never fail to hit a homerun. It reminded me a lot of Up in that it had some emotional moments in it, it has a lot of heart. The daycare escape scene is one of the funniest I have seen all year and the ending is just great. The Ken and Barbie dolls are also extremely funny and are probably the best new characters introduced in the film. No one could even leave during the credits. I recommend this film to everyone, especially if you enjoyed the other two films because this one keeps up with them and doesn`t disappoint. 


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