17 may 2010

My Review: Legion (4/10)

¨ I knew He'd send you, Gabriel. You were always so eager to please Him. ¨

(4/10)Legion is Scott Stewart`s feature film debut as a director after working for many years in the visual effects department. He also collaborated with Peter Schink in writing the script for this movie. Stewart knows how to create cool visuals and he is a master at it, but he still has a long way to go with direction and writing, because those were the major weaknesses that Legion had. There are some moments in this sci-fi apocalyptic thriller that catch your attention, but most of the time is wasted with bad dialogues and plot holes. The few action scenes are well made with nice visuals, but they are too few and the movie begins to drag after a while; which gave me too much spare time to start thinking and analyzing: why don´t these angels just blow up the diner and get it over with. If God really wanted to destroy the human race he`d find an easier way to do it. Legion is a science fiction film and really has nothing to do with the Bible or Christian beliefs in case many were left wondering. Legion could have worked simply as an entertaining film and taken lightly, but the problem is that it is really slow paced and has poor dialogues and major plot holes, so it doesn`t even work as pure entertainment either.

The plot is pretty simple: God wants to destroy the human race because he has lost faith in them, so he sends his archangel Michael (Paul Bettany, Wimbledon) on a mission, but Michael still hasn`t lost his faith in mankind so he disobeys God´s command and has come to protect one particular baby who happens to be the key to saving the human race. The action takes place in a deserted diner where Charlie (Adrianne Palick) works as a waitress and is eight months pregnant. The diner belongs to Bob Hanson (Dennis Quaid), who lives there with his son Jeep (Lucas Black) and together they try to administer the diner. Percy (Charles S. Dutton) also works as an employer at the deserted diner and the only clients that arrive at the place are usually people that are lost. Such is the case with the Anderson family who are waiting for Jeep to fix their car so they can get on their way, and Kyle (Tyrese Gibson) who took a wrong turn and is completely lost. All these people happen to be at the diner when Michael comes to protect Charlie`s baby from the legion of angels that God has sent to destroy them. Together they must help protect Charlie and fight off all these angels who come in human form by possessing the most weak minded. The battle for human survival takes place in this deserted diner.

The cast is pretty good. I enjoyed Paul Bettany`s performance and thought he made a decent action star. He is a good actor and can undertake several different roles. Dennis Quaid, Tyrese Gibson, and Charles S. Dutton also gave decent performances. The problem with Legion wasn`t the cast or the visuals, which were also pretty good (although nothing mind blowing either), the problem was the pace of the movie and the poor dialogue which didn`t help make better transitions from one scene to the next. The action scenes were ok, but as I said before if God wanted to destroy the human race he would find a much easier way to do it. All the angels had to do was blow up the diner and the problem was solved. If you want to see a good apocalyptic movie, then go see The Book of Eli instead. I can`t even recommend this film for pure entertainment alone because it doesn`t even entertain, so skip Legion.

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