7 jul 2010

My Review: Ninja Assassin (4/10)

¨Weakness compels strength, betrayer begets blood; this is the Law of the Nine Clans¨

I haven´t seen a bloodier movie than Ninja Assassin since Kill Bill. The problem with this movie is that it doesn`t have the great dialogue and character development that Tarantino`s film did. The action sequences aren`t as good either because the camera work isn`t very well done, everything happens so fast that all you can really see is red. There are very few positive things from this film which has a poor story, poor dialogue, and relies too much on the action scenes which aren`t satisfying either. Rain might not be a great actor, but he does know his martial arts and that is perhaps the best thing about Ninja Assassin which was directed by James McTeigue who has worked mostly with the Wachowski brothers (who produced this movie) as an assistant director in some of their films such as The Matrix trilogy and Speed Racer. This is a huge step down from his first movie, V for Vendetta, which had a good amount of action balanced well with a great story. I was expecting this movie to be something like that one, but it fails by miles. The main problem is that the story is predictable. It was written by newcomer Matthew Sand who was helped with the screenplay by a more experienced writer like Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5 creator and screenplay writer of Changeling).  Ninja Assassin is just another example that only by showing blood and gore you can`t go anywhere unless you have a decent story.

Raizo (Rain) is the main protagonist and he is a ninja assassin who was trained by the Ozunu clan. The clan raised him when he was a little orphan boy and they specialize in training these young kids and turning them into cold blooded assassins. The ¨father¨ of the clan is Lord Ozunu (Sho Kosugi) and he raises these kids with a very stern hand and whips them whenever they fail to obey. They are also encouraged to hurt their brothers whenever they show weakness as well. Raizo grows close to one of the girls in the clan who is different from the rest, Kiriko (Anna Sawai), and one day when she plans to escape the ninjas trap her and bring her back only to execute her in front of the rest  of the clan.  Raizo decides to abandon the clan and barely escapes after hurting Ozunu in the face and jumping into a river.  The movie actually begins with Raizo grown up living on his own waiting for vengeance on the clan, but his past is told in flashbacks during the film. Raizo is living in Berlin and here he decides to protect a Europol agent named Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) who is doing some research on the existence of this clan that is being payed millions of dollars by government officials for political assassinations. He protects her from the Ozunu clan and in return he uses her in order to get close to them and avenge Kiriko`s death. The plot is pretty simple, and the whole movie is an excuse to use violence for no reason.

The actors were pretty dull in this movie. Rain is good doing his thing, but he is not a very good actor. The rest of the cast is also pretty bad since they don`t have a good story to work with. The main focus of the film was on the action scenes which were pretty gory, but just too fast paced and blurry for my taste. I really didn`t care too much for any of the characters, as they were all one dimensional and I really was disappointed with this movie since director James McTeigue had done such a good job with V for Vendetta. Violence on its own doesn`t work or satisfy anyone; you need a decent plot or at least some good dialogue in order to care for the characters. I would definitely recommend everyone to skip this movie. If you like violent films, then check out Kill Bill which is a much better made movie than this and has some real good dialogue and interesting characters.


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