15 jul 2010

My Review: The Crazies (8/10)

¨Welcome to Ogden Marsh, the friendliest place on earth.¨

The Crazies will surely be a pleasant surprise for horror fans. This is a really well made horror/suspense movie that is actually hard to come across nowadays. It is by far the best scary movie of the year and will be very hard to top because it is very well made, the location is perfect, the cast is credible, and the timing of the film is excellent. The Crazies is actually a remake of George A Romero`s 1973 movie of the same title, which I never got around seeing, but critics are saying that this version is actually better than the original. The screenplay for the original was written by Romero and one of his closest friends, and in this remake a much more mature Romero is involved with the production of the film which probably contributed to the success of the movie. Breck Eisner (who directed Sahara) directs The Crazies and it is his best film to date. Hopefully he will get more involved with this dying genre and deliver some more scares in the future. The adapted screenplay was written by Scott Kosar (The Machinist and The Amityville Horror) and Ray Wright (Case 39 and Pulse) who really are one of the main reasons for the success of the movie because they created a convincing plot with believable dialogues, and that is an important part of a horror movie that has been missing in these films. There are also several frightening and gory scenes that will please fans of the genre, but for me the key was how the suspense was built from the beginning and kept until the very end with good performances from the cast.

The story takes place in a small town in Iowa called Ogden Marsh where the population is a little over one thousand. Most everyone knows each other in the town that is protected by the sheriff David Dutten (Timothy Olyphant from Hitman and The Girl Next Door) and his deputy Russell (Joe Anderson from The Ruins and Across the Universe). David`s wife, Judy (Radha Mitchell from Surrogates and Silent Hill) is the doctor of the peaceful town and they all seem to have a very good life. One sunny day when the boys are at a local baseball game one of the men walks into the field with a shotgun acting strange. David tells the boys to get off the field and he goes to confront the man who he is familiar with. David asks him to put down the shotgun, but the man just doesn`t seem to listen and continues to act in a strange manner. Suddenly he points his shotguns at David and the sheriff has no other alternative than to shoot him down. Everyone is shocked by what they have just seen, and the only explanation was that the man was drunk since he used to be the town drunk although he had been clean over the last couple of years. After that incident the people of Ogden Marsh begin to act strange, or should I say crazy in honor of the title, and they become a menace towards each other. David discovers that an airplane carrying some sort of biohazard weapon has crashed in the lake polluting the water and the virus has begun spreading in his town. To make matters worse the military has shut down their communication and quarantined the area.

The Crazies works really well as a suspense horror movie and has several frightening scenes. The most memorable one is the car wash scene, but there are also some very good ones at the quarantine tent, the hospital, a gas station, and at David`s house. The location for each one of the scenes contributed very well to the movie and Timothy Olyphant did a great job as the lead character. Joe Anderson also gave a good performance, but one of the flaws in the movie is how his character switches moods near the end of the film. Radha Mitchell is always a sure bet and she has done these frightening scenes in the past in Silent Hill. This movie was a real nice surprise for me and I really had a fun time watching The Crazies. It is hard to come across a movie like this nowadays, even more considering it is a remake, but this one is one of those rare movies that feel fresh and make the movie going experience a pleasant one.


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