13 may 2010

My Review: The Losers (4/10)

¨ Did you know that cats can make one thousand different sounds and dogs can only make ten? Cats, man. Not to be trusted. ¨

(4/10) Who cares how many sounds a cat can make? And the same thing can be said about The Losers: who cares about this action oriented film? The plot and the dialogue simply bored me to death. I know the movie is to be taken lightly, but still I found the movie so dull and couldn`t care less for the characters. The dialogue is just terrible and there is not even a funny moment in the movie which would allow you to sympathize with the characters. The action alone wasn`t enough to save the movie. I just finished watching a much better film (Kick-Ass) which also had to be taken lightly, but was far more entertaining than this movie because that one actually had funny dialogues and interesting characters. Sylvain White (Stomp the Yard) directs this movie which was supposed to be fun, but it just didn`t work for me. The screenplay was written by Peter Berg and James Vanderbilt and it was loosely based on the characters from Andy Diggle`s DC comic. The screenplay could have been written by any amateur really because it was just awful. I knew this movie was to be taken lightly and enjoyed for the action so I was prepared for that, but I really didn`t find anything entertaining about it. The Losers is a film you could definitely live without seeing.

The opening of the film takes place in Bolivia where an elite squad is preparing for an attack on a drug dealer´s home. We are introduced to the five members of the squad in a cartoonish style. Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan from Watchmen) is the leader of the group, Roque (Idris Elba, RocknRolla) is the demo and tactical specialist, Pooch (Columbus Short, Armored) is the transpo and heavy weapon specialist, Jensen (Chris Evans, Fantastic Four) is the comms and tech specialist, and Cougar (Oscar Jaenada, Che: The Argentine) is the long range elimination specialist. Yes, they are all special. While on their mission in Bolivia they discover that there are several children where the attack is going to take place so they decide to abort the mission against the CIA orders. Somehow a man named Max (Jason Patric, Speed II) sabotages their mission and tries to get them killed. The five members of the squad are left for dead in Bolivia, while they try to survive and get their identities back. A mysterious woman named Aisha (Zoe Saldana, Avatar) shows up and promises to get them their identities back if they help her to find and kill Max. The problem is that Max is a very powerful man and is very difficult to get too, but the Losers want to get there revenge as well so they decide to trust Aisha. The plot moves on from this point in a very predictable manner.

There are some very good actors involved in this movie, but they just didn`t have good material to work with. Jeffrey Dean Morgan proved that he was a good actor in Watchmen, and in this film he is probably one of the best characters and has more screen time. Zoe Saldana also has done great movies, but she falls short as Aisha. Chris Evans tried to be as funny as he was in the Fantastic Four franchise, but I didn`t care too much for his character this time. Oscar Jaenada was perhaps the coolest character of the film, and the fact that he didn`t have many lines was probably a plus for him considering the terrible dialogue. Jason Patric played a strange villain; at times he seemed overly stereotyped and way too exaggerated. His portrayal of Max was probably the most cartoonish villain on film. Overall I really didn`t find The Losers entertaining. I know not every film has to be deep or have meaning, but this wasn`t entertaining or fun for me either. This is one of those movies I will have forgotten about the next day.

The Losers: Book One (Vols. 1 & 2)The Losers: Book One (Vols. 1 & 2)The Losers: Book One (Vols. 1 & 2)

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